Date - time                : 16/02/2006 15:34:22

Data file name           : cortisolmet.dta


Single Cosinor - Comparison of rhythms (Nelson and Bingham) - Period fixed 

Studied period (T)          : 2.4400000E+01


1. Results by each series

Equation of the model : β  cos(2π t/T) + γ  sin(2p t/T) + α


Serie n°1

Solution model : Initial model      : 4.86E+02Cos((2π t/24.40)-3.70E+00)+1.09E+03


1.1. Chronobiometric values :

- Amplitude                                                                       : 4.86E+02

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Radians)   : -3.70E+00

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Degrees)  : -2.12E+02

- Shifting  -  Chronobiometric MESOR                                : 1.09E+03


1.2. Chronobiometric parameters :

- p-Value (H0: Amplitude=0)                                          : 0.1377


1.3. Chronobiometric test :

-  Ellipse Test (H0: β=0 And γ=0) for T =  2.4400000E+01 H0 accepted                : 0.9500


1.4. Residuals distribution - Goodness of fit :

- K-S Test (H0: Normal residuals distribution) H0 accepted               : 0.9500

- Average Test (H0: RS Average = 0) H0 accepted                                 : 0.9500

- Q Test (H0: Independent Residues) H0 accepted                               : 0.9500


Serie n°2

Solution model : Initial model      : 4.86E+02Cos((2π t/24.40)-3.70E+00)+1.09E+03


1.1. Chronobiometric values :

- Amplitude                                                                       : 4.86E+02

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Radians)   : -3.70E+00

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Degrees)  : -2.12E+02

- Shifting  -  Chronobiometric MESOR                                : 1.09E+03


1.2. Chronobiometric parameters :

- p-Value (H0: Amplitude=0)                                          : 0.1377


1.3. Chronobiometric test :

-  Ellipse Test (H0: β=0 And γ=0) for T =  2.4400000E+01 H0 accepted                : 0.9500


1.4. Residuals distribution - Goodness of fit :

- K-S Test (H0: Normal residuals distribution) H0 accepted               : 0.9500

- Average Test (H0: RS Average = 0) H0 accepted                                 : 0.9500

- Q Test (H0: Independent Residues) H0 accepted                               : 0.9500


Serie n°3

Solution model : Initial model      : 4.86E+02Cos((2π t/24.40)-3.70E+00)+1.09E+03


1.1. Chronobiometric values :

- Amplitude                                                                       : 4.86E+02

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Radians)   : -3.70E+00

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Degrees)  : -2.12E+02

- Shifting  -  Chronobiometric MESOR                                : 1.09E+03


1.2. Chronobiometric parameters :

- p-Value (H0: Amplitude=0)                                          : 0.1377


1.3. Chronobiometric test :

-  Ellipse Test (H0: β=0 And γ=0) for T =  2.4400000E+01 H0 accepted                : 0.9500


1.4. Residuals distribution - Goodness of fit :

- K-S Test (H0: Normal residuals distribution) H0 accepted               : 0.9500

- Average Test (H0: RS Average = 0) H0 accepted                                 : 0.9500

- Q Test (H0: Independent Residues) H0 accepted                               : 0.9500


Serie n°4

Solution model : Initial model      : 4.86E+02Cos((2π t/24.40)-3.70E+00)+1.09E+03


1.1. Chronobiometric values :

- Amplitude                                                                       : 4.86E+02

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Radians)   : -3.70E+00

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Degrees)  : -2.12E+02

- Shifting  -  Chronobiometric MESOR                                : 1.09E+03


1.2. Chronobiometric parameters :

- p-Value (H0: Amplitude=0)                                          : 0.1377


1.3. Chronobiometric test :

-  Ellipse Test (H0: β=0 And γ=0) for T =  2.4400000E+01 H0 accepted                : 0.9500


1.4. Residuals distribution - Goodness of fit :

- K-S Test (H0: Normal residuals distribution) H0 accepted               : 0.9500

- Average Test (H0: RS Average = 0) H0 accepted                                 : 0.9500

- Q Test (H0: Independent Residues) H0 accepted                               : 0.9500


2. Results for all data

Initial model      : 4.86E+02Cos((2π t/24.40)-3.70E+00)+1.09E+03


2.1. Chronobiometric values :

- Amplitude                                                                       : 4.86E+02

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Radians)    : -3.70E+00

- Dephasing -  Chronobiometric Acrophase (Degrees)   : -2.12E+02

- Shifting      -  Chronobiometric MESOR                           : 1.09E+03


2.2. Chronobiometric parameters :

- p-Value for H0 (Amplitude=0)                                    : 0.0000


2.3. Chronobiometric test :

-  Ellipse Test (H0: β=0 And γ=0) for T =  2.4400000E+01 H0 rejected            : 0.9500


2.4. Residuals distribution - Goodness of fit :

- Residual Sums of Squares                           : 3.10E+06

- K-S Test (H0: Normal residuals distribution) H0 accepted    : 0.9500

- Average Test (H0: RS Average = 0) H0 accepted                      : 0.9500

- Q Test (H0: Independent Residues) H0 rejected                              : 0.9500


2 5. Tests of comparison of rhythms (Nelson et al, Bingham et al) :

- Bingham F MESOR Test (H0: Series of equal MESOR) H0 accepted   : 0.9500

- Bingham F Amp., Acro. Test (H0: Series of equal Amplitudes and Acrophase) H0 accepted   : 0.9500


- K-S Test is the Kolmogorov and Smirnov test  

- Average Test (H0: RS Average = 0) is a test of average on the average sum of residues  

- Q Test is the Ljung-Box Q-statistic lack-of-fit hypothesis test